
All posts for the month oktober, 2016

This is me at a F5 VIPRION….


That’s a big ass F5 load balancer, which is nowadays (also) called an Application Delivery Controller (ADC).

During the time I took this picture this VIPRION was just racked and not even powered on, if you take a closer look at this picture the protective plastic is still on the display.

The picture is cropped by LinkedIn for this post, but I’m there with my thumb up.

I deployed and installed this machine, what a lovely piece of hardware and I must admit a bit weird too. It has differences with “normal” F5 BIG-IP hardware, but that’s why it’s a VIPRION 😉

I also prepared vcmp instances for this machine and even migrated some instances. Unfortunately I left the company where this hardware is used.

I miss you dear VIPRION, a little… Fortunately I still got a BIG-IP VE LAB Edition, provided by ION-IP after attending a workshop, in my own environment to play with…

This article was also posted on LinkedIn and can be found here